Our Team Depends on You!

When you offer financial support to KnightKrawler Robotics, you are not just supporting 50 high school students who like to play with robots. You are helping to create the next generation of engineers, software developers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Your contributions are tax deductible. KnightKrawler Robotics has been a 501c3 charity since 2009. We operate as a booster club to manage the FRC Robotics Team for Irondale High School.

It likely comes as no surprise, but schools today lack the funding to fully finance most after-school activities. In fact, less than 10% of our budget comes from Irondale High School. Most of our funding comes from sponsors like you, as well as students' activity and travel fees (donations). How much does it cost to run KnightKrawler? Our required annual budget is usually between $50,000 and $75,000, depending on team size and if we qualify for the championship tournament in Houston, Texas (we have the past eight years). All coaches and mentors participate on a purely volunteer basis. The high school provides a paid Team Advisor.

How do we spend your sponsorship dollars?

  • Reduced travel expenses for two out-of-town tournaments a year
  • Robot parts
  • Tools
  • Computer hardware and software
  • Camera equipment
  • Practice field construction
  • Costs associated with public & school robot demonstrations
  • Student assistance Scholarship Fund
  • Insurance

In total, supporting KnightKrawler isn’t just about supporting 50 students in a single high school. We work to introduce robotics to hundreds, perhaps thousands of kids each year. Your money helps to fund an introduction to kids who would never consider a future in technology before seeing high school students who could build robots.

Our team strives for great diversity. We know that many companies like to promote inclusion in the initiatives they support. Some of our past and present members have described robotics as “a place where I fit.” High school can be a difficult place for many kids, and we pride ourselves on making robotics a place where everyone is welcome. We would love to have you come to one of our meetings and see for yourself how well we meet our goals of inclusion. This year we have 48 registered students.

  • Female team captain
  • 20% of our members are female
  • 28% of Irondale students qualify for educational benefits (2024 data)
  • 29% of our coaches/mentors are female

KnightKrawler Robotics is not an elite program for rich kids, as some might think. Not all our students have the financial means to participate in after-school activities. Travel fees for all students are optional to all competitions in the midwest and financial travel assistance is available for travel to World Championships in Houston, Texas this year. We uses sponsorship dollars every year to cover the travel fees for those who can’t afford to pay the full activity fee or travel costs. We don’t want anyone to miss out on the benefits of robotics for financial reasons.

Become a Sponsor Today!

Please email us at

We would love to know who you are and how you are interested in supporting KnightKrawler so we can find the best way to put your generosity toward building the next generation of professionals. Let's work together to build the future.

Sponsorship Levels



In addition to all benefits available at Regent, Knight, Noble and Contributor levels, Monarch sponsors will receive:

  • Logo on team uniform1
  • Logo on front page of our team website
  • Copy of team business plan
  • Company visit - robot demo for employees and families2


$2,500 - $4,999

In addition to all benefits available at Knight, Noble and Contributor levels, Regent sponsors will receive:

  • Logo on competition robot3
  • Logo on team t-shirt1


$1,000 - $2,499

In addition to all benefits available at Noble and Contributor levels, Knight sponsors will receive:

  • Logo on sponsor banner displayed over our tool chests at all competitions


$500 - $999

In addition to all benefits available to Contributor, Noble sponsors will receive:

  • Logo on website and link to your webpage
  • Thank you letter
  • Email updates from the team
  • Invitations to events
  • Open door invitation to attend any meeting
  • End of the season thank you package


$100 - $499

Contributors will receive:

  • Logo on website and link to your webpage

Please email us at to obtain sponsorship paperwork.

To save on credit card charges, please consider sending a check too:
KnightKrawler Robotics
PO Box 120905
Saint Paul, MN 55112

To pay by PayPal or Credit Card:

To learn more about our sponsors, please visit their websites:

  1. Single color black logo. Must receive sponsorship and logo artwork before January 10th
  2. A visit may not be possible for some sponsors who require travel, or if desired dates conflict with other robotics or school events. We will do our best to accommodate a sponsor's requested visit date, such as attending a company picnic to maximize our impact. However, we cannot guarantee a demonstration to all companies. If a team visit is critical to your sponsorship decision, please let us know about your interest in a visit before becoming a sponsor.
  3. Single color black or white logo. Logos will be placed on the robot in compliance with competition rules. Unfortunately, in 2018, we were forced to remove the logos. The robot weight limit was 120lbs. Our robot with the logo decals removed weighed 119lbs and 15ozs. The logos have been added back to the 2018 robot for all demonstrations and promotional photos. We will do our best to put our sponsor logos on the robot for competition.