Team History

2024: Crescendo


Robot Information

  • This year we fully utilize our in-shop CNC to make parts like the plates for Scarab
  • To help create our autos, for the first time we used the PathPlanner app
  • Our robot is fabricated and built in-house
  • For the first time in 17 years we didn't use pneumatics on our robot

Competitions and Awards
  • Lake Superior Regional: Regional Winners, Quality Award
  • Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional: Regional Winners, Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Bryan Herbst)
  • FIRST Championships: Daly Divison Finalist
  • MSHSL FIRST State Championships: Finalist

This game starts off with a 15 second autonomous period where robots are controlled by prewritten code instead of drivers. In the remaining 2:15, drivers take control. Each alliance has 3 robots on their side which bring melody to their community by retrieving Notes (an orange foam ring) from the Source across the field back to their side, and scoring it into either the Speaker, Amp, or Trap (which is in the stage). If 2 Notes are scored into the Amp, the human player can Amplify the Speaker and Amp which makes the Notes worth more. In the final moments of each match, the human player can Spotlight the stage by throwing High Notes onto the Microphone. Along with the alliance robots scoring those last notes and racing to climb onto the Stage to be Onstage or to Harmony with an alliance robot.